Neptune: The Mystic
Neptune is the god of the oceans. In dreams and myth water and the ocean are symbolic of a formless realm from which new life may emerge. When we are lost we say that we ‘at sea’. Yet, in the depths we may also find ourselves. The Christian process of baptism requires an immersion in water so that one may be reborn into the glory of God. Psychologically, Neptune relates to our ability to go beyond ourselves. Neptune is our religious or spiritual urge – the desire to transcend our individuality and experience the oneness of life. In losing our sense of self, we are born to a whole new world.
Neptune in the 6th House
Neptune’s placement within the horoscopes indicates where we need to open to the watery depths of the greater whole. By house, Neptune characterizes our spiritual journey – here is where we find God.
With Neptune in the sixth house, the individual opens to God through being of service to all. By selflessly devoting themselves to the task at hand, their good deeds become their worship.
The sixth house is also the house of routine. With Neptune placed in the sixth house, mere routine may be ritualized. Through the inclusion of a spiritual dimension within their everyday activities, they bring the greater Self into the way they live and work. Like a Japanese tea ceremony, or flower arrangement, the great spirit may be lived in the smallest way.
A regular practice, which brings a person to their centre - a point of calm serenity - may also serve as a spiritual path based on a process of continual refinement. Moving meditations, such as Tai Chi or Yoga, or the perfection of skill such as archery, calligraphy or many other talents, are well known for their ability to balance one’s whole being.