Jupiter: The Seeker & the Guide
In Greco-Roman mythology, Jupiter, the king of the gods, ruled over justice and virtue. He was also the patron of the truth, the keeper of sworn oaths and the protector of travellers. Astrologically, Jupiter relates to the principle of expansion - be it the exploration of new opportunities or the furthering of one's mind. He fuels our desire to grow and extend ourselves. Equally he relates to our truth and honour. He is the high standard we set for ourselves. Ultimately Jupiter characterises our search for truth and meaning in life.
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system, relates to the principle of expansion. By Sign Jupiter’s placement indicates how we open to new opportunities and extend ourselves.
Jupiter in Cancer tends to gestate. Growth is an internal process whereby one slowly builds a new strength or ability. At some point one is then ready – what has been fostered internally is now mature and ready to be revealed to the world. With Jupiter in Cancer, life unfolds of its own accord. All one needs is a willing and supportive environment.