Mars: The Warrior
In Greco-Roman myth, Mars is the god of war. As a great warrior, he was traditionally depicted wearing a helmet and carrying a sword, spear and shield. Mars was recognised for his strength, his skill and courage. In the military culture of the Roman Empire, Mars was honoured above all others gods, second only to Jupiter, who remained the king of the gods. Mars was also the god of fertility and the protector of the fields, ruling over the growth and health of living nature. Astrologically, Mars relates to our energy and vitality – Mars keeps us healthy. Mars is also our strength, enabling us to impose ourselves upon the world and move forward in life. Irrespective of how brutish he may be, Mars is our vigour.
Mars in the 4th House
Mars’ house placement points to where we are strong and capable.
With Mars in the fourth house, the individual is protective of their family as well as themselves. Unafraid to broach delicate matters, they have the confidence to approach others regarding personal matters.